Solar Park in Dholera | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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The state government has set aside 11,000 hectares of land for this project. This land is in Dholera SIR, along the Gulf of Khambhat. It’s a type of land called CRZ type 1B, which is good for making renewable energy. This means the state won’t have to buy any special land, which saves money. The state also wants to build a 200MV wind park in the same area. Studies show that Dholera has a lot of potential for generating solar power.The Dholera Solar Plant will give jobs to about 20,000 people. People living in the area and those involved in making things in factories around Dholera SIR will benefit from this project. Companies that make solar panels, big machines, and other things have already started looking into the possibility of setting up their factories in Dholera.


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